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Home owners and sellers title insurance

About $400 to $500 for a closing attorney. (plus title insurance)

Closing attorney fees

Using a closing attorney's service is essential for most real estate transactions, for the buyer, seller, and lender.

Closing attorney's provide a number of services, typically packaged into one price.

The fee for the closing attorney can be paid for by the buyer, seller, lender, or split between the parties, and is typically negotiated.  Some states specify who is required to pay the closing attorney's cost. Many lenders require a home buyer or seller to use their attorney, and pay the costs, but you can also hire your own attorney at your expense.

One of the services the closing attorney provides for, is title insurance.  Title insurance can cover the any combination of the buyer, seller and lender.  If one party to the sales transaction is purchasing title insurance, the other parties can usually get a steep discount on the insurance, and save the original buyer money as well.

Most law firms and attorneys usually have a fixed price for the closing service, but you can also negotiate a price.  Shopping for a closing attorney can save you money.