what information can I find on Jolemon
Jolemon provide estimates on the prices of services found in the U.S.A. We also provide and explanation of how these prices are determined.
how accurate is the data
The data is accurate to the best of our ability. Sometimes this is very good, and sometimes it is not. Many services that you purchase are tailored for your personal needs. We have no way of taking into account every variable and possibility that exists in the universe. We only try to give you an idea of actual prices charged for different services.
what restriction are there to using this data
Jolemon data is Copyrighted throughout the world. The restriction on the use of our website and data are detailed in the “ Terms of Use”
how to contact Jolemon
Find contact information on the “ Contact Us” page.
Accounts in Jolemon
- does it cost anything to set up an account
At the current time, all Jolemon services, including setting up and account are completely free. (coming soon)
how do I change my contact information and password
After logging in, click on your user name at the top of the page. This will take you to a Change Contact Details page where you can change your information. (coming soon)
How you can help Jolemon
- I want to start a new category on Jolemon
- I see some incorrect prices on Jolemon. How do I correct it
Jolemon maintains a database on the most commonly used services in America . We’re always looking for ways to improve, and your comments and suggestions are appreciated.
Still can’t find an answer? Contact us. ([email protected])